Prescription spending makes up approximately 10 percent of health care spending in the U.S., but according to the latter study, individuals pay a much higher percentage of out-of-pocket expenses. These expenses are higher for low-income families with public insurance and those with chronic illnesses.
Stress is one of the most important factors responsible for causing and worsening a variety of illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. So how does stress affect diabetes? Take this quiz to find out…
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A continuous glucose monitor (CGM) is a tiny glucose sensor inserted under the skin. A small transmitter attached to the skin sends the results to a receiver or a device such as a smartphone…
The post What Is Continuous Glucose Monitoring? appeared first on Diabetes Self-Management.
Isn’t there an easier way to curb your calories without resorting to eating foods you don’t like, measuring out every morsel, or going hungry? Yes, there is! \
The post Product Review: Precise Portions Complete Lifestyle Starter Weight-Loss System appeared first on Diabetes Self-Management.
Dental care is an important part of diabetes care. Lack of attention to your oral health can impact your diabetes, and vice versa. Get tips on this often-overlooked aspect of diabetes management…
The post Diabetes and Dental Care appeared first on Diabetes Self-Management.